
The law of success 16 lessons

The 16 laws of success lesson written by all-time best-selling author Nippolian Hill in the year 1925 in the book “the law of success”.

20 years experience in studies in success and wisdom he has written in simple language in this book.

  • That everyone can easily apply in their lives.
  • We will discuss 16 lessons in this article.
  • Which success formula you can follow in your life.
  • That is known as the law of success

Law #1: The Mastermind

The author describes the masterminds and says if 2 or more people in a project work together with some task, idea, and vision.
In which their mind generates a new vision from where new ideas are created.

  • Mastermind is a meeting or conference.
  • Where people are sharing their knowledge and ideas.
  • Such that in big companies board members, senior executive dos.
  • For example, Steve Jobs and Steve bossone both masterminded and invented Apple computers.

16 laws of success

Law #2: A definite chief aim

  • To grow in your life, you should have a big goal.
  • Which can give your energy every day to do work.
  • The author says that a definite chief aim is very much big than a simple aim, it is like a potential reality.
  • Your such dreams you want to anyhow make it real.
  • To execute a definite chief aim you should follow 3 points:

1. Write your goal somewhere in a short way.

–> That you can read it easily.

2. Also write, to achieve this goal what you will give in return.

–> Such that, sacrificing comfortable life, time, etc, anything that you can do.

3. The thing you have written read at least 10-12 times every day.

–>that your goal stays in your subconscious mind.

Law #3: Self Confidence

  • The author says that “You can do it if you believe you can”
  • But when you try to believe in this saying, your fear started stopping you.
  • Fear is the main reason for failure.
  • The author tells about 6 types of fears from where we can save ourselves:
  1. Fear of being poor.
  2. And Fear of discussion.
  3. Fear of getting ill.
  4. And the fear of losing love.
  5. Fear of getting old.
  6. And Last, Fear of death.
  • When you can control your fear.
  • Then you can control your success also.
  • To overcome this fear, you should practice autosuggestion.
  • You should talk positively to yourself, where you will not think about your fears.
  • When you started to ignore fears, they will vanish.

Law #4: The habit of saving

  • Having less money not only affects your physical condition but it affects your mental also.
  • If you save money, it decreases your stress.
  • Your brain works and overall health gets better.
  • The human basic need is survival, and for survival, money is very important.
  • When you save your money. You protect your survival.
  • That you feel freedom.
  • You should save at least 20% from the beginning when you start earning.

Also read: money rules of 7 that you should know

money rules of 7 that you should know

Law #5: Initiative and leadership

  • To be successful, leadership is very much important.
  • For leadership, you should have initiative.
  • Initiate means without anyone’s advice or order you do the works, which is very important for you.
  • When you master your initiative, you are then ready for leadership.
  • Where you have a well definite chief aim, you make decisions, and your self-confidence is high.
  • Because you take your own responsibility for success being a leader.

Law #6: Imagination

  • In the world, there are many big inventions and achievements.
  • This is the result of any one of the people’s imagination.
  • The author says our imagination is like a combination of old ideas, facts, and thoughts.
  • Which we can see in our mind and reality.
  • The author says that we should use the power of imagination more.
  • Combine your old ideas and knowledge and create a new combination.
  • From which your thinking capacity gets increased.
  • And you get more perspective.
  • Such as
  • It might be an airplane flying in the air.
  • You want to communicate from anywhere in the world.
  • This all is imagination.

Law #7: Enthusiasm

  • It is a state of mind which inspires us to use our knowledge to convert into actions.
  • When you are enthusiastic you feel more energy.
  • For any work, you are more passionate.
  • To develop enthusiasm, you have done the work which actually you are interested in.
  • Remember that work should be aligned with your definite chief aim.

Law #8: Self-control

  • No one can control others unless they first control themselves.
  • The person who cannot control himself, he anyhow cannot control others.
  • Enthusiasm is like a trigger when you feel nice in doing some work. you started doing more.
  • Without self enthusiasm, is like a car without a driver.
  • You can start the car anyhow, but where to go, how to go, you don’t know about it.
  • From enthusiasm, you can trigger your actions.
  • By self-control, you give direction to these actions.

Law #9: The habit of doing more than you paid for

  • For earning money what work do you do, but it more matters how much you enjoy doing your work.
  • People who hate their work cannot stay motivated in their work.
  • If you start loving your work, you will more enjoy your work.
  • And you can generate good results from others.
  • When you start loving your work. you don’t expect immediate results.
  • You don’t become selfish to get your salary every month.
  • You stay patient and your hard work and better work results show after some time.

Law #10: Pleasing personality

  • Dealing with attractive people is very easy.
  • The way you carry your personality,
  • Shows how your mindset is, and
  • What type of person you are from inside.
  • The author says that not every attractive personality is
  • But how they talk with people.
  • How you behave with others this all are the part of personality.
  • Think once, do you want to deal with a person who is negative, who talks rubbish.
  • The person who cares for himself and others and respects others, people
  • Wants to talk with those persons comfortable and work with them.
  • To build a pleasing personality author suggests, you have to imagine
  • A person with whom you want to work and stay.
  • His personality should be very attractive to you, and
  • Try to be like that person.
  • This is important in the law of success.

Law #11: Accurate thinking

  • Accurate thinking does believe all that he hears.
  • He doesn’t believe the information is true.
  • He collects the information from other sources.
  • And he thinks is the information is the fact, and
  • How he can implement it in his life.
  • To develop accurate thinking you have to follow 2 steps.
    1. First is to remove facts from the information, and
    2. Divide facts into two classes.
  • which fact is important.
  • Which is unimportant.

In your situation which fact is important for your requirements.

Law #12: Concentration

  • When your focus becomes strong, you get success early.
  • Your all-action goes in one direction.
  • Which is so-called as definite chief focus.
  • At starting don’t divide your focus.
  • If you don’t have a definite plan, your action will be spread everywhere.
  • To develop strong concentration author says, you should make your goals strong.
  • It should be so strong that you don’t get distracted by other things.
  • And make your environment like that you get reminders of your goals.
  • Remembering goals is very important for you.
  • This is important in the law of success.

Law #13: Cooperation

  • After applying these practical lessons in real life.
  • You should understand that you alone cannot get success.
  • So you have to work with those people, with them you can reach your goals.
  • You have to create a mastermind and for this, you have to corporate with people.
  • To achieve success tremendous hard work is needed which cannot be done by individuals.
  • Different types of skills are needed which all you cant have.
  • You should build a team, which will help you to reach your goals.

Law #14: Failure

  • Most failures are temporary defeats.
  • which is an important part of the law of success.
  • Humans cannot be perfect.
  • When we do any work, we cannot get success without failure.
  • When you take any actions and you fail, take failure as temporary defeat.
  • Thinking that this is a part of your success.
  • See what mistakes you have done and learn from them.
  • how in next time you can remove the mistake you did.
  • Which will help you reach your goal.

Law #15: Tolerance

  • When you work with other people, you should open your mind to other people’s ideas.
  • You should build tolerance, you have to listen to the people talk which might be different from your belief.
  • You might hate them, but you should respect their views.
  • When you get new information you should challenge your believe.
  • Don’t disrespect someone near you with your ego.
  • When you make good relations with other people, it will lead you to the definite chief aim.

Law #16: The golden rule of the law of success

  • After learning these laws you should remember this rule in your life.
  • ie the law of success.
  • There is a saying “do unto to others, as you would have them do unto you”.
  • The way you behave with other people, in the same way, thoughts and actions come back to you.
  • That might be bad or good.
  • Remember this thing always that when you start thinking about someone or talk with someone, or work for them.
  • Ask a question yourself, if you are at that person’s place, and you behave the same like that, you are behaving now.
  • Do you like that person?
  • And do you think that he is a good person?
  • Do you want to work with someone for the long term?

The author says that If you think like this, then you are attracting success towards you.

These are the law of success that one everybody should follow to get success.


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