We will get to know about the japan success story to get success, which principles are implemented by the people of Japan and explained in simple language with examples.
Everyone knows:
- Japan is a country where almost every 2 years there is an earthquake or tsunami.
- During the 2nd world war, 2 atomic bombs were thrown. for this, the country’s and economy has almost been disrupted.
Now the question comes to our mind:
- If you are staying in this country.
- What do you think?
- What are the chances of growing?
Now the question comes, the peoples in this country uses which secret techniques.
using those techniques they grow so fastly.
The name of the technique is Kaizen
- We will know what is kaizen
- How to implement it in business, studies, and health.
- How to improve brain psychology.
Kaizen basically defines that to achieve goals, we can divide the goals into very small parts Such that we can take action easily.
Many people among us will say, this is not a revolutionary technique.
Let see when this japan success story to get success is applied in different fields, for this technique in that field how much improvement they got.
The laws of success click here to read
Table of Contents
Kaizen in medical science
- During the 1700s when there is a disease of a small fox.
- At the same time 3-4 lakh people die of the diseases.
- But nowadays, we don’t bother about this disease.
- Because 1796 Advert Jenner used the kaizen principle in medical science.
- He discovered vaccination for small foxes.
- The vaccine is the microorganism when enters our body and kills the diseases.
- But in small quantity, if we give someone, their immune system becomes strong from that microorganisms.
- In the future, if this microorganism enters our body, our immune system will easily kill this microorganism.
- This means from Kaizen’s principle there is improvement in medical science.
Kaizen for health
- In health, small steps are how much effective.
- To prove this researchers did an experiment.
Researchers went to a high-rise building, on the 7th floor.
- They meet with the people who are working there.
- 7th-floor employees don’t do exercise,
- If they have done exercise in their life, that because of someone pressure.
- Researchers told these people about the good benefits, that we should do exercise every week.
- 3-4 times and for 30-40 minutes.
- After that, they are given free membership for the health club.
- Free training clothes and for trainer free training gift certificates are given.
- Such that they get motivated for doing exercise.
After that researcher, went to the 11th floor.
- Meet with the employee working there.
- The 11th-floor employees also don’t do exercises.
- Researchers explained the same about the health benefits.
- But they were not given free gym membership.
- But they are said, every day they should go one floor to upstairs after lunch with the help of stairs.
- And then return back to work as normal.
- In next day they should go one more floor upstairs than the previous days.
- And then return back to work as normal.
- Researchers told them to continue this process.
- After 1 year, when the researcher came back to them.
- Those people whom we’re told to go upstairs.
- Those people’s health was far better than other group people.
- This experiment is repeated in different places.
- The results came the same.
- That means
“small steps can lead to bigger results”
Kaizen for administration
- In a car accident, many lives are getting lost.
- To reduce the accident, researchers thought of doing an experiment.
- With the kaizen principle.
- They found a specific population in the city.
- Where there is a similarity in education level, monthly income, number of children, etc.
- Researchers divided this population into 2 groups:
Group A
Group B
- With group A, in the first week, nothing is done.
- But researchers became volunteers and individually went to group B houses and said,
- In the united states every year 40000 people are dying from a car accident.
- Researchers told that would you allow us to put a 3-3 inch sticker in your car window.
- On the sticker, it is written: ” be a safe driver“.
- Researchers know for stickers many people will drive their car slow.
- Group B people almost everyone for this small request said “yes”.
- After 1-week researchers went to group A houses.
- And said the same words:
- This time they said can you allow us to hang this billboard on your lawn.
- And they showed the billboard to the family members, which was a very big, ugly billboard.
- With a car sticker written, ” be a safe driver”.
- The same thing is done to group B family members.
- In group A 17% family allowed to hang billboards on their lawn.
- But in group B 75% of families, allowed that big, ugly billboard to hang on their lawn.
- This happens because this group B person is given 3-3 inch stickers to paste in their car window.
- This is called the japan success story to get success by the Kaizen method.
- That means if we take kaizen steps that means small steps.
- Getting big goals becomes easy.
Ask small questions ie kaizen questions.
Our brain is different from our computers:
For example:
- If you make your computer to print the computer itself.
- It will show an error because there is no software or hardware for printing.
- But fortunately or unfortunately our brain cannot do this.
- If we ask some questions to our brain, the brain thinks this is important for us and starts finding the answer for it.
For example:
- If someone asks you a question, what is the neighborhood person’s cars number?
- Obviously maximum people don’t know the answer.
- You will think, what the use of knowing it, it is useless.
- If I ask you again what is the car no of your neighborhood.
- It might be again you ignore these questions.
- But if I ask you 3-4 times this questions:
- What is your neighbor’s car number?
- Next time when your brain sees the neighborhood car, and if you are in some important work,
- Your brain leaving all-important work will capture to store neighborhood car numbers.
- That is, in short, our brain cannot reject any questions.
If we continuously ask questions to ourselves:
- What is the problem with me?
- And why do I do that always?
- Why I am a loser?
- And why other peoples are so happy?
- Why I am a donkey?
Now our brain will not say error.
- If we cannot ask this question to ourselves?
- These questions are not asked by the enemy.
- There is not like this error part in our brain.
- The memory you have stored from that our brain will answer the questions.
- If we change the questions we will get different results.
This is all about the japan success story to get success.